Say goodbye to cockroaches and bugs in your home: They will go away with this guaranteed cure


Let’s look into some other natural ways to get rid of the “threat” of cockroaches and bugs in the house. The whole story is here.

Other Guaranteed Ways to Get Rid of These Bugs

Again, bay leaves are an item that can keep cockroaches out of your home. Just put these leaves in front of your door or on different window openings. The smell of bay leaves will drive the bugs crazy, so they will stay away.

Leaves of bay

Sugar and baking soda are two more things that are sure to keep these bugs away. You can dissolve these two ingredients in water and mix them together to make a paste that you can put outside the house in specific places.

Cockroaches are drawn to sugar, but baking soda kills them right away because it is poisonous to them.

Finally, we’ll talk about another natural option. A spray bottle filled with water and Marseille soap can be used to clean around doors and windows. The smell will keep bugs away, so you won’t have any of them in your home.